Today’s purchases

We bought pearls – pounds of pearls.  Some so beautiful that you would be willing to go through a wedding just to get to wear them, and some inexpensive that you could buy 15 strands and wind them together in a magnificent choker.

And we bought amazing sterling clasps, unique and sturdy and even some “real girl” magnetic ones!

And vermeil and Hill Tribe, really different beads and even some that look like artichokes!  Glass hearts, hollow large ones and dichroic smaller ones.  Even lapis hearts!

And matte white-line onyx, words can’t describe it.


Fluorite in 5 colors per strand, or a heartbreaking blue.


Bling out the wazoo!! 


And if that isn’t enough, translucent dyed jade in colors that make your mouth water,  like a mango margarita or limeade or strawberry smoothee.  In all kinds of shapes and sizes!

OK, time to go now.  can’t spell anymorel.


We’re THERE!!!

But we found another Fabulous Roadside Sign on the way!

 Roadside sign

Yep, that really makes you want to wander around and check out the picnic tables!

Anyway, we made it on into town, hit one show and bought a lot of glass pearls (this is about 1/4 of them, or less) (ignore the cruddy background, we’re in a hurry here):


And really cool agate and jade:

Agate and jade beads

and these:  Stalactite slices ringed with amethyst:

stalactite slices

see, even with a bedsheet and tissue paper and cruddy photography, some of their fabulousness shows thru!!!!

And now I have to start pricing, Mary’s been doing it for about an hour while I’ve been doing this, and she’s getting a bit snippy.

Added category for Tucson, too

So you can easily find last year’s posts on that trip, and compare the two.  Today we pass my favorite road signs in the world – Dust storms may exist. 

Also, I figured out how to set it up so the entry posts at a later time than when I hit Save, which is a bit cool!  More prize opportunities!

OK, it’s nearly 7AM now, really.  Are these people EVER going to get up?  There are BEADS TO BE BOUGHT TODAY, only 3 hours away!!!

About posting comments

The first time you post a comment in here, it goes into a holding area until someone can look at and verify that it’s not offering drugs or pornography – you’d be amazed how much spam we seem to get.  My past favorite was “May to want baig pipi for U!” which I think I get the gist of, but maybe not.

OK, rambling.  Anyway, your comments are held and it tracks the minute (and second) you posted it, they just might not show until I can OK them.  In most cases, after we clear one to post from your email address, all future ones will show up immediately.  And since it stores everything, I don’t have to remember who won the “comment prize” for each entry.

Also I decided to see if I can manage more than one a day, just to keep it confusing exciting! 

Almost there!

(The camera cord is lost somewhere in the back of the pickup, buried, so I took pictures but they’ll have to wait till tomorrow evening to be inserted.  Just imagine them today:)

For 11 hours today, this was my view:

Mary's feet and the windshield


Cesar Drives

And this is what I did:



And now we’re in Las Cruces NM, after passing several of the huge windmill farms, oil wells, El Paso, and trucks.  We ate fried jalapeno strips at a DQ, (quite tasty) ice cream sandwiches (also very nice) at the gas station, and fantastic raspberry lemonade. 

After very little discussion, we opted to pass on staying at the Worst Motel Room in the World in Van Horn.  (see last year’s Tucson blog, “Hazard Duty” for an edited description.  I removed the pictures from it last year, it seemed too mean.) 

We’ll be there tomorrow, shopping. 

Thanks for the comments!!!  Yay!!!  I’m not completely alone. 

Remember, the first person to respond in a comment wins a prize!  I’ll tell the winner of today’s prize in the comments.

We’re on the way!

Saturday morning, we’re loading up the pickup and heading west!  Everything is ready: lists are made and organized, dogs are boarded (sorry, Susie and Louie!), and Starbuckses are in the cupholders!  We are Starting the Adventure!

Unfortunately, Mary swats when someone starts singing “On the Road Again,” probably because the swatee can’t sing for doodle.  So I’ll just have to find some other way to irritate her.  And that isn’t really very hard for me to do.  After 3 hours in the car, everything irritates her. 

We start shopping on Sunday! 

Oh, since I tend to feel like nobody’s reading this, first person to make a comment on each blog entry wins a special prize!


Bad weather on Wednesday!

In case you have a Bead Emergency on Wednesday Jan. 28th, we’ll be opening around 11:00AM (at both stores), if the roads don’t absolutely forbid it.  We plan to close at the usual time, so far. 

Be careful out there.

And we leave for Tucson in 3 days!!!  Saturday morning bright and early…  OK, let’s be honest, bright and 10-ish.




Ten Days!!!

Wow, we leave in 10 days.  Really, 10 days.  We’ll be in Tucson in less than 2 weeks, shopping our tiny minds out.  Or something like that, it’s all getting a bit fuzzy.

Preview Night in Fort Worth will be Friday February 13th, and Carrollton’s will be the next Friday, the 20th.   

And while we’re in Tucson, we’ll be updating this, telling you what we’re buying, showing you sneak peeks of all that’s amazing, and even share all the fun we’re having!  Or at least the hysteria of shopping and the Agony of de feets.

And it’s less than 250 hous away!!  Well, the start of 16 hours in the truck before we get there is less than 250 hours away, at least.


We Count!

On Sunday January 4th, at 11:00AM, this was the scene in the Artful Bead Carrollton store:


See, we’re counting everything in the store, a big team of people from the Fort Worth store and the Carrollton store, united and busy.  Very busy, counting every bead and strand in the store. 


Brenda and Carol count Swarovski crystals…


Lucas wastes time while others work…  (OK, he worked hard too.)


And Amy holds her Scepter of Inventory Supremacy, AKA The Spoon of Doom!  Amy organized the entire process, assigned teams, and kept the whole thing running and on track.  The Spoon is applied (briskly and swiftly) to any slacker, anyone who fails to count diligently and constantly, and thus Lets The Team Down.  Or anyone who makes bad puns.   Or says numbers really loud to throw the rest of us off when we’re counting.

This worked nicely for most of the day, we finished counting before 4:00 in the afternoon.  An amazing feat, we never expected to finish so early!

But in a power struggle over control of The Spoon, tragedy struck!

Spoon of Doom

We don’t know if we will be able to repair the spoon by next year’s inventory.  Power struggles are inevitable, I guess, and Amy did end up with the biggest share of the broken spoon, but it was shocking to witness, hostilities immediately ceased.  Just goes to show you how close we are to anarchy, even in the midst of beads.  Maybe next year we’ll have to have a two-by-four of doom instead.


Is it already January?

Wow.  How did that happen?  One day we’re throwing out the last of the turkey tetrazinni and getting ready for Christmas, then it’s New Years Day, then counting inventory, and all of a sudden, just like that, it’s Time to Consider Tucson!

So we’ve got the reservations, figured out who we’re going to see, and started getting ready.  Working out the game plan, plotting how to reach the goal line, and all those other sports metaphors that I don’t know.

We’ll be in Tucson the first week in February, shopping our little feet off (OK, our middle-to-large feet) buying the most fabulous, unique, wonderful, most perfect beads, findings, and pendants to bring back.  And you get to see them on Preview Nights.  Yep, two stores requires two separate Preview Nights, we won’t be buying all the same stuff, because “unique” doesn’t usually come in duplicates.  More details on the dates for Preview Nights later.

If you have special requests, come by soon and tell us all about it.  We can’t guarantee to find what you want, but we’ll look for that special huge amethyst pendant, or those really nice lapis 18mm rounds.

But hurry, we have less than 30 days!!!  What???  Less than 30 days???  EEEK!!!  I have to make lists!