Busy Busy Busy!

Sorry it’s been so long, but we’ve been BUSY – busier than should be possible for humans. 

For starters, Monday thru Wednesday this week we were shopping for stones, and what wonderful stones we got!  Fabulous stuff, great shapes, and much-much coolness.

Thursday the plumber came, then Friday Sheetrock Al came and made our arch and patched 74,643 holes.  (Or close to that many, there were a LOT of holes in the walls.)  Saturday and Sunday we painted our brains out, and put TWO coats of Kilz to cover up the pinky-ick on the walls.  Then we painted it all again, with the real white.  And this Tuesday the Electrician comes to put up some track lights and make sure all the other lights are working. 

So the target date for the Grand Opening is Friday August 1st!  Mark that calendar! 

But before that, we need a bit of help.  You see, Mary ordered seed beads for the new store, lots of seed beads, enough that she had to order around 30,000 tubes to put them in.  LOTS of seed beads.  And we need help getting them ready.  So we’re asking for volunteers to help us tube on July 19th and 20th, and 26th and 27th.  You will get a free lunch, drinks and snacks, and the “tail ends” of the beads you tube!  (Tail ends are the beads left over that aren’t enough to fill another tube.  How many there are depends on the size, finish, and shape of the beads.)

We will be tubing from 9AM till around 7PM all 4 days, and we’ll have room for 12 workers at a time.  Email me at info@artfulbead.com if you’re interested in joining us, tell me what day, and what hours.  You can sign up for a whole day, or part of a day.  I’ll try to arrange it so everybody that wants to gets a chance, but sign up early! 

We’ll look forward to hearing from you! 



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