
We have reached the “Dang I’m Tired” phase, where everything hurts and you keep trying to remember what you have already bought.  And not remembering very well.

We found some more glorious faceted stones, including a double strand of London Blue topaz that causes jaw-drop.  And we got more Tibetan prayer boxes.  And yet MORE turquoise, inlcuding some adorable hearts.

And we ate dinner with Loretta from the Alouette bead stores in Oklahoma.  And got back much later than we had expected due to a side trip looking for a Target that makes me think the Garmin has it in for us.  So last night we didn’t finish pricing till after 2AM, and I was just too freakin’ tired to take pictures. 

And we woke up late, and now have to go eat quick breakfast and go Shopping Again! 

PS – my feet hurt.  My back hurts.  Mary’s feet hurt.  Her back hurts.  That will be all.

1 comment on “Duh…

  • beth aka flute diva says:

    Take care of yourselves! It’s beginning to sound like this trip is all work and no play….just pain! Lots and lots of pain. Again, take care of yourselves because you all won’t be any good for us if ya’ get all sore, sick, and disgruntled :0


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